Blog - Sree Durga Jyothishalayam നന്മയുടെ മുഹം

Sree Durga Jyothishalayam നന്മയുടെ മുഹം

Sep 13, 2022 | Manu Mahesan

 ##The door is smaller than the house.

The lock is smaller than the door.

The key is smaller than the lock.

But that little key opens the whole house. Often small thoughts can make big changes in life. Thoughts are the creation of our own mind.. We are also in control of the thoughts that take place in our own mind.. If we have a clear mind we can see a clear path.. The only limit we have is our mind. Life becomes more difficult when you move forward without judgment. It is then that we have to believe in the decrees and the reasons... that, some are theists and some are atheists.
Some will also be turned into green men. But everything is controlled by the thoughts in our mind.. Good thinking will lead us to good sleep, good sleep will lead us to good awakening.. That awakening will give us a good day.. Don't think about what we don't have, be happy with the small blessings that we have got. The heart is not disturbed.
Good thoughts lead to good.